Friday, February 22, 2013

What can you expect from a "China Doll"

      When people hear the word "China doll", there are certain image they tend to associate with. For thoses who do not not what this kind of Asian stereotype is, this post would provide the general concept of  China Doll, and the negative effects of this stereotype. 
      The picture on the right side is the cover of "The Devil Wants a China Doll" by Azure Boone. The reason why this picture is shown here is that it contains so many typical characteristic of China Doll. The white man in the image is naked, confident, and look directly to the front. He is the one making eye contact with the readers. By contrast, the Asian girl, which refer to a China Doll here, is fully clothed and looking aside. One can clearly see her shyness and weakness(compare to the man) through this picture. Meanwhile, the explicit title of the book point other traits that people would expect from a China Doll, which are feminine, exotic,  and overly sexualized.  In the movie "China Doll", Asian women were portrayed as prostitutes, who came from poor family and lack of education, struggled with their life, and tried to support their families by offering sexual services to men who are rich. The fact that people still related China Doll  to prostitution today shows that how deeply the media had affect our judgement. 
      This stereotype has exist for quite some time, and is dangerous in many ways. A person should never grow up feeling that their future depends on how media portray them. They should never be expected to objectify themselves, or live to pleasure others. This stereotype can lead to abuse in relationships and self-abuse, through low self-esteem, and unreachable personal expectations. Overall, people still holding on with the China Doll stereotype  is very problematic for Asian American female. It is time to put this issue on the table.

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